Lodging 20 Years

Monthly rental apartment management: make your investment a success

Lodging Management sees investment opportunities where others may not. As experts in monthly rental apartment management, we know where to discover real estate gems in Barcelona—apartments that, once well renovated, can generate considerable profits. We attract tenants who aren’t inclined towards long-term commitments but seek rather a modern, furnished, well-equipped, and well-connected property for a specific period of time.

At Lodging Management, we boast more than two decades of expertise in managing short-term rentals in Barcelona. This experience has given us an in-depth understanding of the market and its entire business cycle, ensuring consistent long-term profitability for our property owners.

If you are considering real estate investment in the Catalan capital, allow us to explain how we can guide you. We’ll offer a case study of one of our apartments: Lovely Beach Studio.

Lovely Beach Studio: A Success Story in Real Estate Investment

Lovely Beach Studio, a fully renovated monthly rental apartment nestled in the heart of Barceloneta, was a diamond in the rough. Despite having all the attributes to shine in any temporary rental apartment catalogue, it required the right management, and this is where the Lodging team’s strategic vision came into play.

When an investor expresses interest in purchasing an apartment in Barcelona, our initial step is to guide them on a tour of properties that align with their economic criteria and are strategically located. Tourism clients seek a pleasant environment that’s easily accessible from other parts of the city. Once the ideal location has been determined, we help to find financing and begin planning for a successful renovation.

Lodging Management: Your Ideal Partner in Property Ownership

At Lodging Management, our skilled professionals excel in maximising square footage by seamlessly blending style with function. We put the most effective angles to use and create custom solutions that prioritize comfort, spaciousness, and freedom of movement for occupants.

Lovely Beach Studio cleverly utilises its 30m2 to offer tenants everything they expect from a monthly rental apartment in Barcelona:

  • A fully equipped kitchen
  • A bar counter with stools
  • A two-person sofa facing a wall-mounted plasma TV
  • A modern and spacious bathroom with a shower
  • A double bed with a wooden partition for visual separation from the rest of the space
  • A desk for work or study

Thanks to our extensive experience in managing monthly rental apartments, we transformed this corner of Barceloneta into an open and inviting space, ideal for two people.

Strategic Vision and Comprehensive Renovation come together

The apartment benefits from its ground-level location, sidestepping the inconvenience of climbing steep and narrow stairs, a common feature in the area’s buildings. Architecturally, we preserved the vaulted ceilings with exposed brick, infusing the space with warmth and a touch of authentic Barcelona charm. In this historic fishing district, tenants can soak up the area´s history while enjoying the comforts of contemporary design.

With gastronomic and cultural options in every direction, Lovely Beach Studio is a genuine success story. The owner has able to earn a significant return on investment because the apartment is rented out most of the year to clients seeking a monthly rental apartment in Barcelona. Modern furniture, minimalist decor, abundant natural light, essential home amenities, and charming touches like natural fabric textures come together to create an appealing rental home.

From the initial engagement with the investor to presenting the property to prospective tenants, Lodging Management has overseen the entire renovation and decoration process. Subsequently, we took on the responsibility of monthly rental apartment management, ensuring a sustained and profitable use of the property.