Lodging 20 Years

Monthly Rentals in Barcelona: Why Rent Your Property to Students?

A lo largo de 20 años en la gestión de alojamientos vacacionales y temporales en Barcelona, en Lodging Management hemos podido comprobar que los estereotipo

After 20 years of monthly rentals in Barcelona, Lodging Management has found that many common stereotypes about student renters don’t always hold true.

When entering the temporary rental market and aiming to position our property as a monthly flat in Barcelona, we often envision tenants like digital nomads, senior international executives, or independent professionals.

Sometimes, we hesitate to rent to students, imagining noisy, party-loving individuals who might disturb the neighbours. However, with 20 years of experience managing holiday and temporary accommodations in Barcelona, Lodging Management has discovered that these stereotypes often don’t reflect the reality. There are many student demographics, and we will detail them below.

What Are the Different Categories of Students?

Barcelona is renowned for its high-quality undergraduate, Masters, professional training, and doctoral programs, attracting people from around the world. Each group has distinct characteristics and needs:

Masters Students: Usually in their 30s and with work experience, these individuals return to education to advance their skills. They look for small, well-furnished flats that provide a homely feel, reliable internet, and a quiet setting conducive to focused study.

University Students: Although this group often stay in Barcelona for four or more years, they might still be interested in monthly rentals. Most typically need accommodation for about nine months, from mid-September to June, as they usually travel or return home during the summer. Some may require a flat only for their final year or prefer shorter-term leases, providing flexibility in property use.

This group generally looks for similar amenities as Masters students but may be more open to sharing accommodation with others.

Are Students’ Reputations Justified?

The answer varies. Based on our experience, while each individual is unique, students looking for well-furnished, comfortable flats with cleaning services typically prioritize order and peace to focus on their studies.

To optimize your property’s potential, Lodging Management offers comprehensive services in restyling, maintenance, and promotion to ensure high occupancy rates. We meticulously select tenants and continuously monitor your monthly rentals in Barcelona to maintain them in excellent condition.