Lodging 20 Years

WeRespect! Certificate Awarded for Our Holiday Apartment Rental Management

Gestión alquiler vacacional sostenible, certificado WeRespect

We are excited to announce that our holiday apartment rental management company has received the prestigious WeRespect! certificate. This certificate recognizes our commitment to sustainability and working to maintain good neighbourhood relations. WeRespect! is a project led by Roomonitor, Apartur, and Airbnb, among others, aiming to promote sustainable and community-friendly short-term rentals. This achievement motivates us to continue implementing our long-standing environmental strategies at Lodging Management, including using smart home technology, energy efficiency programs, waste management, and the promotion of sustainable tourism. Here’s an overview of our efforts to create eco-friendly spaces and cultivate better community relations.

Home Automation: Smart Home Technology for Savings

At Lodging Management, we believe that technology is essential for managing rental properties sustainably. Through our partnership with the home automation company Controlá, we provide property owners with smart property management. Sensors automatically turn off lights, climate control, and water heaters when the flat is empty, detect water leaks, and alert homeowners to potential appliance problems, helping to avoid unnecessary costs. These measures can reduce bills by up to 35%, and guests are also made aware that they are helping to use resources responsibly.

Energy efficiency

Before managing any rental property, Lodging Management proposes homeowners on renovations that help upgrade energy efficiency. This includes adding insulating materials to windows and doors for better climate control without excessive energy use and installing green-certified appliances. During any redecoration or interior design updates, we reuse furniture and materials where possible, and we use LED bulbs and natural textiles, creating a cozy and environmentally friendly stay at Lodging Apartments.

Waste management

As experts in holiday apartment rental management, we understand the importance of making guests aware of their role in sustainability. We help educate our guests by providing clearly labelled containers for sorting and recycling waste. This helps maintain a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.

Community relations and conscious tourism

Supported by WeRespect!, Lodging Management continuously works to strengthen neighbourhood relations by promoting dialogue and cooperation. We encourage conscious tourism that values local culture and respects community norms. In this sense, we promote a conscious tourism that values the local culture and respects the rules of coexistence, taking care of the volume of voice and music and maintaining a quiet atmosphere during the stay. This includes keeping noise levels low and maintaining a peaceful environment. Our guests are informed that parties are not allowed, pets are not accepted, and smoking is prohibited in our vacation rental apartments.

A committed team

Our team leads by example in sustainability by using bicycles for city travel, thanks to our partnership with the rental company Kleta, and contributing to tree planting through the Tree Nation initiative.

The recognition from WeRespect! adds to the Biosphere Sustainable Certificate we received earlier this year, which confirms our adherence to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As experts in vacation rental apartment management, we are convinced that service excellence is also measured in terms of sustainability and that this is a strategy that should never stop.